Creative direction and design


User testing. Why bother?

OK, so you want to build a better product. You might have heard anecdotal complaints about it around the office. Perhaps you have an idea for a new ground-breaking feature. Maybe it's just not up-to-scratch from a personal point of view.

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Aleks Marinkovic
Why build an Enterprise Design System?

A UX/UI workflow should be implemented to retain consistency over the design & wire framing processes for both current and new designers. This should encompass everything from which software is to be used at what stage to where files are stored and accessed so that projects can be picked up by any team member seamlessly.

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Aleks Marinkovic
Designing actionable personas

This helps us empathise, but it also helps us unite the stakeholder team behind a single vision of our users and their needs. Managing this change of perspective is one of our main challenges in UX and creating personas is a great tool to help us with this.

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Aleks Marinkovic
Is Design Thinking sustainable?

As Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher once said, "change is the only constant in life". As in life, this holds true in business. In almost every sphere of commercial activity, orthodoxies are being challenged, accepted norms are being questioned and old ways of doing things are no longer as effective as they once were.

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Aleks Marinkovic
Dynamic personas reloaded

Personas are essential in visualising what we know about our target audience. Their needs, pain points, goals and challenges. They help us empathise with the people we're designing for so that we can create solutions that they really love. 

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Aleks Marinkovic